There is a vast variety of galaxies in the cosmic zoo.
NGC 7331
NGC 7331 in Pegasus with its small satellite galaxies.
Messier 51
Messier 51 in Canes Venatici, the whirlpool galaxy, also known as NGC 5194 and NGC 5195.
Messier 51 showing the gravitationally created outer whisps.
Messier 101
M101, in Ursa Major, with its famous type Ia supernova, 2011fe. It is located just below the core in this image from October 1st 2011.
M101 in Ursa Major, with its many HII regions.
AGC 1656
The famous Coma Cluster, AGC1656. It is a part of the Coma Supercluster. White background.
AGC 1656 Galaxy Cluster, at about 320 million lightyears away. Believed to have a high content of Dark Matter!
NGC 891
NGC 891 in Andromeda. The most beautiful edge-on galaxy in the northern sky.
AGC 2151
The Hercules Cluster, Abell Galaxy Cluster AGC 2151 + Quasars! A reletively young cluster. It is part of the Hercules supercluster, and the Great Wall super-structure.
ARP 273
ARP 273 in Andromeda, interacting galaxies.
Hickson 56
NGC 3718 (Arp 214) in the middle, NGC 3729 to the left, and the Hickson 56 group below, in Ursa Major.
Messier 109
Messier 109 in Ursa Major.
Messier 31
The great Andromeda galaxy, Messsier 31.
NGC 772
NGC 772, the one-armed galaxy, alias Arp 78.
NGC 7318 group
Stephan's quintet, in Pegasus. Discovered by Stephan in Marseilles 1877. The first compact galaxy group ever observed. It has a prominent shock-wave, a tidal arm and star-burst regions!
Messier 87
Messier 87 in Virgo with jet. Radio source Virgo A. It contains a black hole with a jet. Log scale.
M87 Jet negative
Detail of M87 with jet. Log scale. It houses the first imaged black hole, observed by the Event Horizon Telescope project. NEG image.
M87 Jet LRGB
Detail of M87 with jet. Log scale. It houses the first imaged black hole, observed by the Event Horizon Telescope project. LRGB image.
M81 photographed as LRGB, 40 minutes. 12" f/10. Presented in logarithmic scaling. Note the UGC dim galaxy to the left (east).
M81-Luminance image.
M81, luminance image only. Here the UGC5336 galaxy is maybe more clearly seen in this negative representation, it is also denoted Holmberg IX. This dwarf galaxy is very young, maybe only 200 million years old! It was first described in detail by Erik Holmberg. Several other dim galaxies can be seen.
Megastar POSS plate M81
MEGASTAR representation of the M81 area with identification of several adjacent galaxies. The image is from the Palomar Sky "DSS" Survey.
NGC3628 in Leo. One of the three in the Leo triplet, together with M65 and M66.
NGC4565 is one of the classical needle shaped galaxies. Coma Berenices.
The phase on spiral Messier 33 in Triangulum. as LRHGB, with 600 sec each. - Ivar Hamberg - Updated 2025 Jan 22..