The Great Geomagnetic Storm of January 01, 2025:
The last few days of December 2024 gave us some really big X-flares. On New Years Eve and New Years Day we could witness a resulting fantastic Auroral display. On January 1st the Kp index ran up to 7.5 and the Hp30 was up to 9!
I witnessed the display from Umeå from a snowy landscape and a temperature close to -20C. I used my Canon EOS Ra and a 8-15mm fisheye lens. The longest sequence I took is 113 images. I stitched it to get an animated WebP and an MP4-video file.
The shown 360 degree sequence is from 16.28-16.51 UTC. The activity was quite high from sundown to midnight. The colors were sometimes very strong, but the fainter parts were only seen as grey for the eyes.
Video: 17.28-17.51, local time.
SOLAR FLARES prior to the storm:
Dec 26 03:15 UTC M7.3,
Dec 29 04:30 UTC M2.0,
Dec 29 05:26 UTC M3.1,
Dec 29 07:18 UTC X1.1,
Dec 29 15:09 UTC M7.1,
Dec 30 04:14 UTC X1.5,
Dec 30 14:46 UTC M3.5,
Dec 30 16:54 UTC M5.0.
Geomagnetic Storm of Feb 09, 2025:
With Kp between 4 and 5 I witnessed a nice Aurora display on the evening of February 09 in Umeå, Sweden. The moon was high up and close to full. It had just past in front of Mars when the storm came to live. Although the sky was rather bright I could see an astounding outbreak just before 11pm local time.
Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Canon fisheye 8-15mm at 8mm F/4.
Exp: 85 images of 2sec ISO3200 each.
Process: Irfanview batch processing, EZGIF WebP and MP4 generation.
Video: 22:43-23:03, local time. (21:43-22:03 UTC)
Geomagnetic Storm of Aug 12-13, 2024:
During the Perseid meteor watch we had a nice "distraction" by a magnificent aurora. My wife and I observed from southwestern Sweden along the coastline just between the cities of Falkenberg and Halmstad. Kp was around Kp6, and the lights were mostly at north and sometimes up to zenith. I took some 260 images with my Canon EOS Ra and a fisheye 8-15mm f/4. Colors were rather strong. Bortle 4 sky and no interfering moon. Several Perseids and some sporadics were observed.
Video: 00:29-00:36, local time.
Patch of Orange Aurora: The geomagnetic storm of August 12th, 2024 showed some orange hues. This was discussed to some extent on during August. Here is a sequence taken from the beach of Ugglarp, just southeast of the city of Falkenberg Sweden. The orange hue appears in between the yellow/green area and the red area. It may probably be due to a color mix. We had a splendid view of the northern lights from this site, and we saw several Perseid meteors as well. A strong one shows up in the video of the full panorama. Look for the frame at second # 46!
Canon EOS Ra, 8-15mm Canon fisheye lens at 8mm/f/4
Date: Aug 12, 2024. 23.15-23.33 local. (21.15-21.33 UTC)
Series of 59 exposures, of 4 seconds each at ISO 6400.
Geomagnetic Storm of Aug 17-18, 2024:
A late summer Aurora in the archipelago! A nice Kp6 type outbreak on Aug 17, 2024 was observed from Stora Timrarön. Although the sky was not really dark, we had a nice view towards north. All colors from green-yellow-(orange)-red to violet and blue. Not so strong, but nice reflections in the water!
BELOW is a 1 min compressed SEQUENCE from 23:29 to 23:57 local time (21:29-21:57 UTC).
Canon fisheye at 8mm f/4.
ALSO: A shorter 36 second SEQUENCE from 00:00 to 00:03. (22:00-22:03 UTC).
Canon fisheye at 15mm f/4.
The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 10-11, 2024:
What a magnificent show! The Aurora was the strongest in many many years!!
The 3 hours mean geomagnetic Planetary index Kp was around 8 to 9 most of the night.
The 30 min Hpo30 index showed values of 8 to 11!! (Also called Hp30.)
Note: Kp is limited to max 9, but Hpo30 and Hpo60 is open ended with no upper limit.H=(half)Hourly p=Planetary o=Open ended.) (Kp=Planetarische Kennziffer=Planetary Index.)
The activity was ongoing all night. I took some 200 photos with my Canon EOS Ra and Canon 8-15mm fisheye lens. I was out at my summer house and observatory at Timrarön, north of Stockholm. The night was somewhat hazy with some drifting clouds, and there was remaining twilight all night since the sun was only some 12 degrees below the horizon during this early summer night, id est No astronomical night (18 degrees).
I observed:
Local Time: 23:30-02:30 local time (summer time).
UTC Time: 21:30-00:30 UTC.
Comment: The Nautical night is when the sun is at least 12 degrees below the horizon. This was 23:22-02:03 local time, or 21:22-00:03 UTC.
BELOW is a 1.5 min compressed SEQUENCE from 00:24-00:38 local time (22:24-22:38 UTC). This is EXACTLY during the Hpo30=11 PEAK at 22:30 UTC!
Data from:
May 10 Video Sequence 22:24-22:38 UTC
Kp index is at 9.
Hp30 index goes up to 11!
Below: Northern lights observed in Umeå on the night of September 4-5, 2022:
The geomagnetic Planetary index Kp was around Kp6 most of the night. The activity was ongoing all night.
Data from:
Time in UTC. Kp0-3 Green, Kp 4-6 Yellow, KP7.- Red
Time lapse sequences:
Here are some medium resolution (reduced resolution) time lapse videos from the observation session. Most of the photos are taken with a Canon EOS Ra camera, with OWB filter, and a Canon 8-15mm fisheye lens at f/4. Generally 2-4 sec exposure and 6400 ASA..
Northern lights in the City: On March 17-18, 2015, we were lucky to witness some very strong Aurorae as far south as Stockholm. They appeared after a strong CME -Coronal Mass Ejection- and southward pointing interplanetary magnetic field Bz. It was the strongest in many years. The first image is from Södermalm, and over the Old Town in Stockholm. Anna and Oliver Fleetwood joined me on this memorable occasion. The other photo is a strong outburst over the roof tops and over a chimney. It was taken by Anna Fleetwood. - Ivar Hamberg - Updated 2025 Jan 22..